Browse Programme

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
"At War with Itself: The United States from Civil Rights to Vietnam" HIS40922 Module
"Bows, Bayonets and Bullets: The Changing Face of Battle" HIS40322 Module
"British Libraries, Museums and Archives: A History of Collection, 1600-2000" HIS40422 Module
"History of Identity: Sexuality, Class, Race and Gender" HIS40622 Module
"The British Army: Continuity and Charge" HIS41222 Module
"The Early Modern British Isles: from Reformation to Revolution" HIS40822 Module
"The Historian’s Craft: Doing History at University" HIS41322 Module
"The Merrie Folk of Late Medieval England: From King to the Poorest Widow 1000-1485" HIS41422 Module
A Better World is Possible: British Protest Movements 1800-2000 HIS51022 Module
Blitzkrieg Armoured Warfare During the Second World War HIS51522 Module
Creative Destruction: The Atlantic World in the 17th and 18th Centuries HIS50822 Module
Crime, Justice and Punishment: 1550-1950 HIS602 Module
Democratic Dictators HIS41122 Module
Dissertation HIS608 Module
Fighting Back: The History of (Counter)insurgency HIS51622 Module
Independent Study HIS607 Module
Independent Study Project HIS605 Module
Into the Blue: War in the Air HIS601 Module
Invented Histories: Understanding Popular Representations of the Past HIS517 Module
People and Places: Researching Local History HIS50622 Module
Professional Contexts and Public History HIS50922 Module
S/C Social and Cultural History (MA) MA_HISTORY Course
Soldiers, Sailors and Ships: Warfare during the Long 19th Century HIS50222 Module
Special Subject HIS603 Module
The City in Global History: The Rise of Urban Societies in the Modern Age HIS51122 Module
The Civilian in War: The British Home Front during the Second World War HIS50322 Module
The Cold War and the Space Age HIS606 Module
The Dark Arts: a History of Magic, Witchcraft and Folklore HIS50522 Module
The First World War HIS41022 Module
The Long Weekend: Britain Between the Wars, 1918-1939 HIS51222 Module
The Secret State: The History of Modern Espionage HIS50422 Module
The Sun Never Set and the Blood Never Dried: The British Empire in the Long 19th Century HIS604 Module
The Transformation of the West, 300-900 CE HIS50722 Module
War and Society HIS40222 Module
War! What is it Good for?: The Ethics of Conflict - Historical Perspectives HIS50122 Module
Work Placement HIS51322 Module

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