Browse Programme

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Accounting Fundamentals BUS52722 Module
An Introduction to Finance BUS41322 Module
An Introduction to Organisational Behaviour BUS53223 Module
An Introduction to Project Management BUS422 Module
Brand Strategy and Management BUS628 Module
Business Marketing Strategies BUS51922 Module
Business Research Methods BUS62422 Module
Business Start-Up BUS61922 Module
Business Strategy and Risk Management BUS323 Module
Change Leadership and Decision Making BUS53523 Module
CMDA (Business, Leadership and Management) BA_BUSINESSLM Course
Consumer Behaviour and the Customer Experience BUS530 Module
Contemporary Project Management in Practice BUS53623 Module
CSR and Sustainability BUS52222 Module
Dissertation BUS62021 Module
Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion BUS52422 Module
Exploring Strategy and Risk Management BUS53123 Module
Financial Reporting and Auditing BUS626 Module
Human Resource Management BUS52322 Module
Innovation and Creativity in Marketing BUS529 Module
International Business BUS62222 Module
International Entrepreneurship BUS321 Module
Investment and Finance BUS52822 Module
Leadership for a Changing World BUS324 Module
Macroeconomics BUS52122 Module
Managing and Leading for Success BUS61722 Module
Managing Performance through People BUS53423 Module
Managing Projects to Achieve Results BUS52522 Module
Marketing in a Global Context BUS629 Module
Marketing Principles BUS41122 Module
MSc International Business MSC_BUSINESS Course
Organisational Environments and Behaviour BUS41022 Module
Organisational Psychology and Sociology BUS322 Module
Project Based Learning: Developing Mastery BUS325 Module
Rural Business Management BUS61821 Module
Senior Leader Apprenticeship (SLA) SLA Course
Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship BUS62322 Module
Stakeholder Engagement and Communication Management BUS424 Module
Strategic Leadership (MBA) MBA_SL Course
Strategy and Risk Management BUS62122 Module
The Business Environment: a Strategic Approach BUS423 Module
The Developing Professional BUS52622 Module
The New Professional BUS41222 Module
The Professional Project Manager BUS425 Module
Using Data for Information and Decision Making BUS52022 Module

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