When Sort by date List titleSort by title Type Sort by type Description Actions
05/03/2025 16:22:59HIS602_1.1.24: Crime, Justice and Punishment: 1550-1950List published1 item added, 1 item removed
05/03/2025 15:28:06PSY51022: Advanced StatisticsList published5 items added, 1 section added
05/03/2025 14:50:13PSY51022: Advanced StatisticsList published6 items added, 3 sections added
05/03/2025 09:00:21HIS602_1.1.24: Crime, Justice and Punishment: 1550-1950List publishedNo items or sections added/removed
04/03/2025 14:48:07PE40723: Child DevelopmentList published1 item added
03/03/2025 10:07:07SND602: Leading the Learning EnvironmentList published2 items added
27/02/2025 16:56:46HIS602_1.1.24: Crime, Justice and Punishment: 1550-1950List published3 items added
27/02/2025 15:49:47HIS602_1.1.24: Crime, Justice and Punishment: 1550-1950List published1 item added, 1 section added
27/02/2025 15:44:12HIS602_1.1.24: Crime, Justice and Punishment: 1550-1950List published1 item added, 1 item removed
27/02/2025 15:29:35EDU50622: Becoming a Professional List published1 item added
27/02/2025 13:28:29CLL70921: Children's Literacies: Now, New, NextList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
27/02/2025 13:27:20CLL70921: Children's Literacies: Now, New, NextList published1 item added, 2 items removed
27/02/2025 11:49:18ELI71021: Poetics and Politics of IdentityList published2 items added
26/02/2025 09:40:35SND50822: Labels and Acronyms: Categories of NeedList published1 item added
25/02/2025 09:27:22SND50822: Labels and Acronyms: Categories of NeedList published2 items added
25/02/2025 09:20:05SND50822: Labels and Acronyms: Categories of NeedList published2 items added, 1 item removed
24/02/2025 17:04:51HIS40822: The Early Modern British Isles: from Reformation to RevolutionList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
24/02/2025 12:33:21HIS40822: The Early Modern British Isles: from Reformation to RevolutionList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
24/02/2025 12:16:34HIS602_1.1.24: Crime, Justice and Punishment: 1550-1950List publishedNo items or sections added/removed
24/02/2025 12:11:57HIS40822: The Early Modern British Isles: from Reformation to RevolutionList published2 items added, 2 items removed
24/02/2025 11:15:41HIS602_1.1.24: Crime, Justice and Punishment: 1550-1950List published1 item added, 1 item removed
23/02/2025 09:58:14SEN702: Learning: Domains and DimensionsList published1 item added
21/02/2025 19:00:20ENG50722: Becomings: Women & WritingList published1 item added
21/02/2025 18:54:41ENG50722: Becomings: Women & WritingList published1 item added
21/02/2025 14:56:59PTS504: Next Steps: Professional Development in PracticeList published7 items added, 1 item removed
21/02/2025 11:04:41HIS40822: The Early Modern British Isles: from Reformation to RevolutionList published3 items added, 1 item removed, 1 section added
21/02/2025 11:03:18HIS602_1.1.24: Crime, Justice and Punishment: 1550-1950List published1 item removed
19/02/2025 11:19:51HIS602_1.1.24: Crime, Justice and Punishment: 1550-1950List published1 item added, 1 section added
18/02/2025 16:07:56HIS40822: The Early Modern British Isles: from Reformation to RevolutionList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
18/02/2025 16:00:54HIS602_1.1.24: Crime, Justice and Punishment: 1550-1950List publishedNo items or sections added/removed
18/02/2025 12:34:04HIS602_1.1.24: Crime, Justice and Punishment: 1550-1950List published2 items added, 1 section removed
14/02/2025 16:46:37HIS602_1.1.24: Crime, Justice and Punishment: 1550-1950List published20 items added, 20 sections added
13/02/2025 16:09:43TSL50822: The Psychology of Language LearningList published3 items added, 7 items removed
13/02/2025 13:15:30SEN702: Learning: Domains and DimensionsList published1 item removed
12/02/2025 14:29:26CRI40323: Police and PolicingList published1 item added, 1 item removed
11/02/2025 16:17:09HIS602: Crime, Justice and Punishment: 1750-1950 List published5 items added, 3 items removed, 1 section removed
10/02/2025 13:59:50ENG608: Writing Back: Literature and MemoryList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
10/02/2025 07:19:42SEN702: Learning: Domains and DimensionsList published3 items added, 1 item removed
07/02/2025 11:14:12PTS60622: Professional IdentityList published37 items added, 4 sections added
06/02/2025 12:40:26HIS40822: The Early Modern British Isles: from Reformation to RevolutionList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
06/02/2025 10:11:37HIS40822: The Early Modern British Isles: from Reformation to RevolutionList published2 items added, 483 items removed, 3 sections added, 52 sections removed
06/02/2025 09:43:30HIS40822: The Early Modern British Isles: from Reformation to RevolutionList published14 items added, 1 item removed, 16 sections added, 1 section removed
04/02/2025 12:29:53ENG607: Literature and Adolescence: "Why Grow Up?" List publishedNo items or sections added/removed
04/02/2025 11:25:59EDU40422: Child Development and WellbeingList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
03/02/2025 16:54:36HIS40822: The Early Modern British Isles: from Reformation to RevolutionList published2 items added, 4 sections added
01/02/2025 07:03:17SEN702: Learning: Domains and DimensionsList published2 items added
01/02/2025 06:26:13SND602: Leading the Learning EnvironmentList published2 items added
31/01/2025 12:37:21HIS40922: At War with Itself: The United States from Civil Rights to VietnamList published40 items added, 10 sections added
30/01/2025 11:08:29ENG50622: Modern Drama: The Inconstant StageList published1 item removed
30/01/2025 11:04:22ENG50622: Modern Drama: The Inconstant StageList published1 item added, 1 item removed
30/01/2025 10:59:47BUS40320: Data Analysis for Business Decision MakingList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
30/01/2025 10:24:41Children's Literature: Prizewinners 2024-2025List published1 item added
30/01/2025 10:18:23BUS40320: Data Analysis for Business Decision MakingList published1 item added
30/01/2025 08:29:57SND50822: Labels and Acronyms: Categories of NeedList published3 items added
29/01/2025 16:03:28HIS50822: Creative Destruction: The Atlantic World in the 17th and 18th CenturiesList published5 items added, 2 sections added
29/01/2025 15:20:52SEN702: Learning: Domains and DimensionsList published1 section added
28/01/2025 16:18:13ARC40122: Introduction To ArchaeologyList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
27/01/2025 08:24:13SND602: Leading the Learning EnvironmentList published4 items added, 1 item removed
26/01/2025 15:50:28SEN702: Learning: Domains and DimensionsList published1 item added, 1 item removed
26/01/2025 15:30:39SEN702: Learning: Domains and DimensionsList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
26/01/2025 15:30:18SEN702: Learning: Domains and DimensionsList published2 items added
26/01/2025 14:58:57SEN702: Learning: Domains and DimensionsList published3 items removed
24/01/2025 18:30:32ENG512: Reading the PopularList published1 item removed
23/01/2025 14:43:19SND602: Leading the Learning EnvironmentList published2 items added
23/01/2025 14:32:36SND602: Leading the Learning EnvironmentList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
23/01/2025 14:30:32SND602: Leading the Learning EnvironmentList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
22/01/2025 16:23:52ARC321: Material Culture in Archaeology: Theory & PracticeList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
22/01/2025 09:47:01THP604: Media and messageList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
20/01/2025 16:19:51HIS41122: Democratic DictatorsList published4 items removed
20/01/2025 14:59:21ENG40822: The Literary GlobeList published1 item removed
17/01/2025 16:28:30ENG40822: The Literary GlobeList published2 items added, 1 item removed
17/01/2025 11:38:18THP604: Media and messageList published1 item added
17/01/2025 11:37:27TRS705: The Philosophy of Religion: a Guide for the PerplexedList published1 item added
17/01/2025 11:16:41TRS704: War of the Worlds: Religions in Conflict and DialogueList published1 item added
17/01/2025 11:14:45THP504: Holocaust Philosophy and EducationList published1 item added
17/01/2025 11:08:08ELI71021: Poetics and Politics of IdentityList published12 items added, 12 items removed
17/01/2025 10:52:47Books Authored or Edited by Current BGU StaffList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
17/01/2025 09:25:45CRI40323: Police and PolicingList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
17/01/2025 09:21:26CRI40323: Police and PolicingList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
17/01/2025 09:20:58CRI40323: Police and PolicingList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
16/01/2025 17:45:45ENG40822: The Literary GlobeList published1 item added
16/01/2025 15:57:32ENG40822: The Literary GlobeList published5 items added, 24 items removed, 1 section added, 2 sections removed
16/01/2025 10:17:57ELT704: Research skillsList published37 items removed, 6 sections added, 2 sections removed
15/01/2025 14:32:16CRI40323: Police and PolicingList published1 item added, 1 item removed
15/01/2025 11:03:12EDU40422: Child Development and WellbeingList publishedNo items or sections added/removed
15/01/2025 10:11:21EDU40422: Child Development and WellbeingList published1 item added, 7 items removed, 1 section removed
14/01/2025 17:05:54ENG608: Writing Back: Literature and MemoryList published2 items added
14/01/2025 15:49:01ENG608: Writing Back: Literature and MemoryList published1 item removed
14/01/2025 14:18:22SND50822: Labels and Acronyms: Categories of NeedList published10 items added, 1 item removed
14/01/2025 12:18:50ENG608: Writing Back: Literature and MemoryList published1 item added, 4 items removed, 1 section added, 1 section removed
13/01/2025 18:38:54ENG50722: Becomings: Women & WritingList published2 items removed, 1 section removed
13/01/2025 14:17:28SND50822: Labels and Acronyms: Categories of NeedList published11 items added, 18 items removed, 9 sections added, 2 sections removed
10/01/2025 10:36:53ENG50522: Victorians UnboundList published1 item added, 1 section added
10/01/2025 10:35:21ENG50522: Victorians UnboundList published60 items removed, 15 sections removed
09/01/2025 16:28:19ENG50522: Victorians UnboundList published2 items removed
09/01/2025 12:24:03Children's Literature: Prizewinners 2024-2025List published1 item removed
19/12/2024 09:46:40SND40222: The Whole Child: Holistic Approaches to Meeting NeedsList published10 items added, 11 items removed, 5 sections added, 1 section removed
18/12/2024 16:37:16Children's Literature: Prizewinners 2024-2025List published3 items added, 1 item removed, 1 section added
18/12/2024 12:27:41SND50422: Rhetoric or Reality?List published8 items removed, 7 sections added, 1 section removed
17/12/2024 11:57:50D711: Engaging with and Reviewing the Research LiteratureList published9 items added