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"Independent Study Part 1: Introduction to Research at Level 6" PRP60122 Module
"Tools for Learning: Supporting Children and Young People" PRP40222 Module
Assessment and Learning in Formal Education EDP502 Module
Child in the World ECE60122 Module
Critical Issues in Professional Practice PRP60222 Module
Developing and Extending Young Children's Thinking and Learning: Pedagogy and Practice ECE50122 Module
EDP50122: Supporting Learning in Formal Education EDP50122 Module
Empowering Relationships PRP40522 Module
End of programme JNC Youth Work pathway assessment CYF60222 Module
Inclusion and Participation PRP50122 Module
Independent Study Part 2 PRP60422 Module
Individual in Society PRP40422 Module
Informal Pedagogy and Practice CYF50122 Module
Key Thinkers Past and Present PRP40322 Module
Practitioner Research PRP50322 Module
Professional Development: Working in Practice PRP50222 Module
Professional Practice and Leadership PRP60322 Module
Reimagining Work with Children, Young People and Families CYF60122 Module
Subject Pedagogy EDP60122 Module
Supporting Health and Well-being PRP40622 Module
The Reflective Practitioner: Challenging Self with Children, Young People and/or Families CYF50222 Module
The Reflective practitioner: Challenging Self and Early Childhood Practice ECE50222 Module
Tools for Learning: Learning in Higher Education PRP40122 Module

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