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Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
"Language Research Project: Dissertation" TSL605 Module
Careers in English Language Teaching TSL50722 Module
Discourse Analysis Project TSL50622 Module
English Language in Contexts TSL603 Module
Historical Linguistics TSL40422 Module
Innovations in English Language Teaching TSL604 Module
Introduction to First Language Acquisition TSL40122 Module
Language and Communication TSL40222 Module
Material Design and Evaluation TSL602 Module
Research Skills TSL50322 Module
Second Language Acquisition TSL40322 Module
Sociolinguistics TSL50222 Module
TESOL in Practice TSL50422 Module
TESOL Methodologies TSL50122 Module
Testing and Assessment in English Language Teaching TSL601 Module
The Psychology of Language Learning TSL50822 Module

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