Browse Hierarchy BA_TESOL: English Language and Teaching
Browse Course
Name Sort by name | Code Sort by code | Type Sort by type |
"Language Research Project: Dissertation" | TSL605 | Module |
Careers in English Language Teaching | TSL50722 | Module |
Discourse Analysis Project | TSL50622 | Module |
English Language in Contexts | TSL603 | Module |
Historical Linguistics | TSL40422 | Module |
Innovations in English Language Teaching | TSL604 | Module |
Introduction to First Language Acquisition | TSL40122 | Module |
Language and Communication | TSL40222 | Module |
Material Design and Evaluation | TSL602 | Module |
Research Skills | TSL50322 | Module |
Second Language Acquisition | TSL40322 | Module |
Sociolinguistics | TSL50222 | Module |
TESOL in Practice | TSL50422 | Module |
TESOL Methodologies | TSL50122 | Module |
Testing and Assessment in English Language Teaching | TSL601 | Module |
The Psychology of Language Learning | TSL50822 | Module |
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